Best Cities to Move to If You Need a Fresh Start

Do you feel like your life needs a 100% shake-up? Like, new home, new job, new dating scene, new everything?

Then you should donate all your stuff, quit your job, dump your significant other, and move to Buffalo. Obviously.

The loan company Lending Tree just released the results of a new study that found the best cities for getting a completely fresh start.

The rankings are based on things like rent prices, the job market, the percentage of single people, and how friendly they are to people with debt.

The 10 best cities are: Buffalo, New York . . . Minneapolis . . . Salt Lake City . . .Austin, Texas . . . Hartford, Connecticut . . . San Diego . . . Milwaukee . . . Baltimore. . . Boston . . . and Richmond, Virginia.

And the 10 worst are Birmingham, Alabama . . . Riverside, California . . . Miami . . .Orlando . . . Chicago . . . Charlotte, North Carolina . . . Los Angeles . . . Nashville,Tennessee . . . and Atlanta.

(PR Newswire)


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