Would You Not Date Someone Because They Had an Android Phone?

Our phones are basically our best friends and the most important thing in our lives. So I guess it makes sense that phone compatibility is a big element of relationship compatibility.

According to a new survey, people with Androids are 15 TIMES less likely to be attracted to someone with an iPhone than someone else with an Android.

And iPhone users are even MORE judgmental. Shocking, I know. They're 21 TIMES less likely to be attracted to someone with an Android than someone else with an iPhone.

But once someone's done judging your phone's operating system and agrees to go on a date . . . they want you to get your damn phone out of their face.

75% say answering your phone on a date is a big turnoff . . . 66% say you shouldn't text on a date . . . and 45% say you should just turn your phone off and never pull it out on a date.

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