Scariest Place In Alabama is...

Every state has its spooky spots, whether an annual haunted attraction, a legitimately haunted place, or just an uncomfortably eerie spot in nature. And now, right now, ‘tis the season to go to ‘em. Old mental hospitals, valleys filled by ghosts, theme park fright houses, cemeteries, historic hotels -- no matter how you scare, your state has a place to freak you out. We hit up our team of travel writers across the country, and they told us the most haunted places and best spots in each state to live the scary story you’ve waited all year to experience.

For Alabama, it's in Leeds...Haunted houses where off-duty college kids dress up like Jason Voorhees and jump out at you aren't a BAD time. But they’re much cooler when the dude who played Jason in the movies is there. This 50,000-square-foot scarebox is the largest haunted attraction in the southeast (outside Florida), with a quarter-mile of hallways full of terrifying stuff. What really sets it apart is the lineup of horror celebs who attend every year; this year it includes Paul T. Taylor, who played Pinhead in Hellraiser: Judgment on October 27 and 28, and Ken Kirzinger, aka Jason Voorhees in Freddy vs. Jason, on October 13. It’s open until November 3, 6:30 to 10pm during the week, 6:30pm to midnight Fridays and Saturdays. General admission is $20. -- Matt Meltzer

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