It's National Pancake Day...Again

It's National Pancake Day . . . again. It was also National Pancake Day back on February 27th, when IHOP gave everyone a free short stack. Apparently just one day a year honoring pancakes isn't sufficient.

Anyway, here are three stats from a new survey about our undying love for flat, sugary goodness.

1. Only 7% of us don't like pancakes. 59% of people in the survey said they LOVE them . . . 34% said they "like" them . . . 5% don't like them . . . and 2% HATE them.

2. Our favorite type of pancake is buttermilk, with 33% of the vote. Blueberry pancakes are next with 19% . . . chocolate chip, 18% . . . plain, NON-buttermilk, 15% . . . and banana, 8%.

3. 62% of us said syrup is the best pancake topping . . . 10% said the butter is more important . . . 8% said fruit . . . 4% said warm fruit sauce . . . and 4% said peanut butter is the best thing to put on pancakes.

(National Today)

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