
Raymundo Needs Help Surprising Wife With Birthday Gift

Raymundo's wife has a birthday coming and since we moved studios, he's feeling panicked about getting her a birthday gift.

In years passed, he would always get the birthday gift sent to the studio so the surprise could never be spoiled. However, now he doesn't know how the new studio works with packages and he feels like he needs a different setup.

Bobby suggested the way he does gift giving in his house. He takes out cash from the bank, buys the gift in person, then leaves it in the trunk of his car, unless the gift were to be alive. But he's never bought a gift that's alive, so it always goes in his trunk. He's also enlisted the help of his friends to hold onto one of her gifts, but that's a rare occasion. Amy suggested that he could draw out cash at random times as to not draw suspicion to a large sum of money going out at one time.

Raymundo thinks he wants them to move toward getting dinner or going on a trip for birthdays then they don't have to worry about hiding anything from each other. Or he needs to get a "flop address" where he can just send gifts to. Bobby added that if they start doing dinners, he will still need to get some kind of gift.

Bobby did offer up his help with loaning Raymundo money to help with surprises since he knows Raymundo is good for it.

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